There was a letter to the editor in the San Francisco Chronicle that was so absurd, I had to reply:
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without either the peanut butter or the jelly. It does not take a law license or a religious preference or a high IQ to understand this. In fact, even a child can recognize basic reality, often better than we adults. In the same way, a "marriage" that lacks a husband or wife is not a marriage.
Whatever it may be, it is not a marriage. And calling it so does not make it so, unless we are willing to delude ourselves. Let's not delude ourselves and others - it hurts both of us. Vote "yes" on Proposition 8.
My response:
Just when you think opponents of same-sex marriage have run out of arguments for their stand, they come up with... sandwiches? Yes, everyone knows what a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is, but there are a variety of sandwiches that should be acknowledged and celebrated. Should everyone be limited to just peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because a segment of society only recognizes that as a sandwich? No, other sandwiches must be included, because not everyone likes peanut butter and jelly. So, celebrate diversity, have a egg salad or a roast beef sandwich (or even peanut butter and banana if you're daring), and vote "no" on Proposition 8.